
I have been an obsessed with bicycles for almost my entire life, and in 2020 I started a YouTube channel as a fun way of documenting some of my bike rides and adventures. I also cover some technical topics on my channel but over time realized that a written format would allow me to explore some of these topics in more depth, so in 2022 I decided to start this website dedicated to bicycles.

This website is still under construction but some of the topics I want to explore here include everything about wheelbuilding, how to select the right gear ratios for your bicycle, and mullet drivetrain options. This list will grow as the site develops.

I am also going to use this website as a place to document my own bicycles & bike builds which you can check out using the navigation menu on the left.

If you have any questions or comments you can contact me here, and if you are interested in supporting the site you can find details about how to do that here.

Thanks for stopping by!